family farmers since 1683

Mission: To cultivate relationships with local food.

Vision: To grow a thriving local food culture that’s inclusive, accessible, and resilient as hell.

We leverage thirteen generations of sustainable farming practices and farmer relationships to bring the best local food to you and our community. Please join us in our mission.

farm delivery

We offer the most accessible farm-to-home delivery program in Massachusetts...

farm shares

We work with institutions to design customized workplace farm shares that cater to the specific lifestyles of the people who work there...

farm store

We pull fresh stock from our farm and food hub every morning to fill our store with the best local food available...


North of Boston is a diversified farm in Boxford, Massachusetts. We produce fresh food while maintaining focus on soil health and natural resource conservation...

food hub

We gather and aggregate the best local food and then distribute it to homes, businesses, and shelters throughout northeast Massachusetts...

mill no. 5

Our partnership with Mill No. 5 began at its indoor farm market years ago. It's since grown to a collaboration in which we're working together toward the shared goal of making our local food system more resilient...

food access

Wholesale food donations, retail donations, institutional meal planning, lobbying and advocacy, and so much more...


Justin & Jamie


Justin and Jamie Chase founded North of Boston in 2019. They built the farm and food hub from scratch, including clearing land and creating soil while setting their sites on becoming a contributive part of their industry. MORE


Production Manager

John has decades of experience growing crops and operating greenhouses year-round. He's been a friend and colleague with Justin for over 40 years.
Superpower: Conscientiousness


Store Manager

Nathan has been with North of Boston since before day one. He helped choose the land and then build the farm to what it is now. He's worked in farm retail and crop production for over a decade and he's only getting started.
Superpower: Authenticity


Packhouse Manager

The packhouse is at the center of operations for North of Boston and Bert keeps it running smoothly and safely. He keeps a careful eye on everything coming in and going out, while always thinking first of the customer perspective.
Superpower: Compassion


Office Administrator

Katie came to North of Boston with a desire to help organize the business and grow her local food system. She oversees regulation compliance, bookkeeping, human resources, payroll, and local philanthropy.
Superpower: Perseverance


Assistant Production Manager

Kristin has been with North of Boston since before day one. She helped design the farm, build the greenhouses, and establish our orchard and perennial crops. She's been a part of every aspect of our growth.
Superpower: Considerateness


Food Access Manager

Dimitrios manages our food access program at Mill No. 5 in Lowell. He brings a deep understanding of the city, its food insecurities, and what it takes to make a lasting impact.
Superpower: Empathy


Good Boy

Tobias adores the farm, especially its carrots, brussels, and green beans. Tobi's favorite part of his day is saying hello to visitors. He also enjoys working with Bert, the chickens, and his mum.
Superpower: Affection